Free Resource Library

Our free resource library contains a whole range of content to help your child succeed.

Extensive Experience

All resources written by highly qualified teachers and tutors with extensive 11+ experience

Learn Courses Online

We provide an extensive range of 11+ resources designed to prepare all children thoroughly.

95% Success Rate

We have a 95% success rate, with our pupils gaining places at super selective schools across the UK


Free Quality E-Books & Revision Guides

Eleven Plus Revision Books’ comprehensive collection of free resources has been meticulously crafted by experienced tutors specializing in guiding students through their 11+ preparations. Carefully designed to be both engaging and thorough, our e-books and study guides encompass the entire 11+ syllabus, providing a comprehensive and well-rounded educational material.

Utilize our extensive resource library to develop a deep understanding of the subjects and topics, and then assess knowledge through practice using our mock exams. Monitor your child’s progress and tailor their learning experience with the assistance of our expert-led courses.

Assembled by a team of qualified tutors and available online throughout the UK, Eleven Plus Revision Books’ free resource library is a vital tool for your child’s academic achievements, enabling them to shine brightly among their peers. If you have any inquiries regarding our specific resources, we are delighted to address them via email.