Eleven Plus Revision Books – Subscription Service

Hello and welcome to Eleven Plus Revision Books’ brand-new subscription service. For an annual fee of £49.99 you will have access to a huge range of 11+ resources. The resource bank covers all 11+ subjects and includes books, worksheets and mock examinations. 


English is arguably the most important part of the 11+ Entrance Exam and is tested in a wide range of ways. Our massive bank of worksheets and books covers comprehension, vocabulary, grammar and spelling. Brand new question types which have been appearing in the new style of test are also included.


As well covering all Year 4, 5 and 6 maths objectives in order, there are practice materials for mental arithmetic, problem solving, data and statistics. You can choose from full books or individual worksheets as necessary.

Verbal Reasoning

All 21 question types covered both individually and mixed question papers.

Non-Verbal Reasoning

You will have chance to access a beginner’s guide to NVR plus a wide range of materials to practise this skill over and over again.


With easy to navigate resources, this subscription service will be perfect for all families preparing for selective and independent school entrance exams.

£49.99 / year